Open Science working group



openscienceOpen Science means for instance open release of data, code, protocols, teaching material, publications, and the promotion of principles of openness, inclusivity and transparency in scientific research.

The OKF Finland Open Science Working Group is a community for open science enthusiasts. We believe that open sharing of research data, code, protocols, teaching material, publications, and other resources, and supporting citizen science will improve transparency, quality and impact of research. We advocate standards of openness in Finnish academia and interactions between academic institutions and wider society and seek involvement from all stakeholders to foster a core community of open science supporters in academia and beyond.

tutkijatilaAvoimen tieteen työryhmä edistää avointen toimintamallien omaksumista tutkimuksessa erityisesti kotimaassa. Uskomme, että tutkimusaineistojen, lähdekoodin, julkaisujen, opetusmateriaalien ja muiden tutkimusresurssien avoimuus edistää tieteen läpinäkyvyyttä, laatua ja vaikuttavuutta yhteiskunnassa. Tuemme avoimeen tieteeseen kytkeytyviä hankkeita ja toivotamme tervetulleiksi tutkijat, opiskelijat, tutkimusrahoittat, julkaisijat ja tieteestä kiinnostuneet kansalaiset rakentamaan yhteisöä ja edistämään avoimen tieteen käytäntöjä tutkimuksessa ja yhteiskunnassa.



Recent activities

Some of our recent activities include:

For an overall summary of the latest activities (in Finnish), see the

Connect with us!

Our language policy is bi-lingual, Finnish and English are both used because there are many non Finnish speaking academic researchers working in Finland. We are a loose group of similar-minded people working independently on various open science related topics. Welcome to join us via the following channels !

Facebook group: Open Science Finland

Email list: Finnish open-science-fi [a]

IRC channel: !louhos @ IRCnet

Contact person: Heidi Laine / heidi.k.laine [a] / @heidiklaine and Leo Lahti / leo.lahti [a] / @antagomir



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7 thoughts on “Open Science working group”

  1. OPPIMATERIAALIPOHDINTAA 19.3.2013 ip (Sitra)

    I keep six honest serving-men
    (They taught me all I knew);
    Their names are What and Why and When
    And How and Where and Who.
    I send them over land and sea,
    I send them east and west;
    But after they have worked for me,
    I give them all a rest.

    I let them rest from nine till five,
    For I am busy then,
    As well as breakfast, lunch, and tea,
    For they are hungry men.
    But different folk have different views;
    I know a person small—
    She keeps ten million serving-men,
    Who get no rest at all!

    She sends’em abroad on her own affairs,
    From the second she opens her eyes—
    One million Hows, two million Wheres,
    And seven million Whys!

    Rudyard Kipling: The Elephant’s Child

    Paikalla: Peter Hänninen, Sirkku Ikonen, Ossi Kuittinen, Joona Lehtomäki, Marja Pirttivaara, Antti Jogi Poikola, Tuuli Toivonen, Outi Ugas

    Peruskysymysten asettelua oppimateriaalin teossa:


    1. Kenelle?
    2. Mitä?
    3. Miksi?

    4. Miten?

    5. Missä?
    6. Kuinka?

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